Possible Purchase of Metaza? Related to Dog-Tag Engraving

So @Kriskat30 has let me know that a Metaza machine is available for $500

I’m torn on it and we were going to discuss it during the CA meeting but I wanted to hear some feedback from everyone.


So it’s official

This is a used machine. Went to their web page and couldn’t find this model, not sure they make it any more - support could be an issue. But here are more details about it [Spec’s] (https://www.signwarehouse.com/engravers/roland_metaza.htm) This site has a video of it being used. This site when you click on supplies has no listings.

Something note, it is an Impact Printer, not an engraver like the Shapeoko that removes material.

Pound is $1.23 to $ so cost would be about $1,050 plus shipping plus customs, if applicable.

Roland Engraving Machines

This is a different machine that I have in my possession.

I’m pushing this up. Ca committee meeting is this week and we will discuss this. Chime in here

I submitted my opinion via the survey.

I don’t see significant advantage over using Shapeoko to engrave. Costly tool, will require more space to store, require additional training.

If you want to do dog tags, a fixture can be built that will screw into Shapeoko.


It’s a relatively small machine, is it not? My understanding is that there is benefit in that it uses impact to engrave rather than removing material, makes for less cleanup.

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Watching @mreynolds do some dog tags, that machine is SMALL, QUIET and does a GREAT job. The software looks pretty simple and doesn’t require the kind of design skills that are my stumbling block with SO many other CNC machines at the space like the router, lasers and shapeoko. Import my image, tweak it, add text and print - my kind of software! Not worried about finicky file extensions, dithering rates, z-axis, etc…whoo hoo!!


So I have a simple question. Would it be possible to engrave a knife before it is heat treated? I want to be able to permanently mark the blade before heat treatment to avoid confusion at that shop.


Pages 28 - 29 of the user’s manual covers the types of materials that can be used:


Shouldn’t be a problem. Heat code and serial numbers are penned into jet engine airfoil roots before heat treat.