Poll to vote on which 3D printer(s) to purchase next is closed now

The poll to vote on which 3D printer(s) to purchase next, is closed now.

Many many thanks to everyone who took the time to vote and voice suggestions & opinions!

The third option received the majority of votes with 30 members voting for the following:
“Buy one (1) 229 PolyPrinter, and one (1) 508 PolyPrinter for 3D Fab”

For our immediate needs, that is the direction we will go toward.

See link for results: Closed Poll: Let's Talk about buying new 3D printers!

I will start a new thread tomorrow (later today) in this (3D Fab) category to discuss all the other options that have been suggested; and to open dialog on how we can go about possibly obtaining an alternate type of printer.
