I think talk should ideally be open to the public but only if some moderation is changed.
Also, the idea of outside moderation is brought up because it is a heavy load on volunteers to do heavy moderation.
The company that they are looking at is one that will hire other makers from other cities to spot check every so often.
The other idea is to have each category moderate itself through committees.
Another idea is to have a karma based system. I’m not certain about how that would work but @denzuko could explain.
Also, this poll is for people already on talk. This doesn’t address issues or poll people that do not get on talk because they have had bad experiences.
What occurred to me is that we’ve never polled the members into saying what they feel. I put this up in an effort (of course not fully pushed out to the membership as a whole) to see what the “talk using” members decide.
I know we could break this down further but I feel breaking into the most basic categories will give some indication of what people generally think as a whole and from that it can be further evaluated.
I joined DMS after being a member of Talk for several months.I saw the arguments and disagreements, but even more I saw the community and the willingness to help and teach. That *visibility is all gone now in it’s current state.
I chose open to the public with heavier member moderation. I am even fine with the first option, but I think with more members we are going to see more disagreements. And we should be responsible for maintaining our own community,
Are you a moderator? I ask, because you seem to write as though you are talking for the moderators. I know @Lampy is a moderator and he claimed that the moderator load is actually very light.
Also, What is Heavy Moderation? The term is being used in multiple threads, but what does it mean? @uglyknees if you know would you explain as well? As you use it in the poll, but it hasn’t been defined anywhere I know.
Our moderation before the the lock down was strong in my opinion. If your thread got into nearly any controversial topic or moderate disagreement, it was moved to members only, this included threads with moderate, to obvious personal attacks. The majority of people that cussed or used foul language where flagged and their posts where hidden. Same for most explicit imagery, flagged and hidden.
Does heavier moderation mean the ability for moderators to unilaterally kick members off of TALK? Does it mean deleting thread that would of been moved to members only instead?
I know its a lot of questions, but all the talking about this topic seems to be on phrasing of more moderation or the same moderation without the understanding what is actually being suggested as more moderation.
For me the community would define what heavier moderation means not an individual. And ya, I don’t know what that would mean to be honest - I wanted to keep it a bit vague.
Yeah, I think everyone is keeping it vague, to me it is so vague now that I have no clue what it means. The entire talk forum is private now and still there is call out for Heavier Moderation. How much heavier can we get? At this point the next step seems to be just kicking out people and removing posts. I haven’t seen behavior that would suggest that we need to kick people out. I remember when Walter got a forced break from TALK, but I didn’t agree with it, because it singled him and @merissa, while there was an obvious group of members that constantly antagonized his posts. Yes, Walter was difficult, but he wasn’t in a vacuum.
I voted for closed with heavier moderation but my thought is to work out that moderation
while it is private, Then when the4 rules are soled and we see it working then we reopen most of talks
I would like us to head to the goal of it being open, but lets not make sausage in public lets stuff it ins
a casing first
What about move 3/4 of it back public with more moderation, keep more of it than used to be members only, with about the same moderation, and create a “flame arrestor” by request or personal fight only, nearly unmoderated forum to let people get it out of their systems?
Me too!
I lurked on the wiki several months before the move from Ladybird (thought many times about joining, but would have to drive the wrong way from work, it’s difficult for me to make Tour nights, etc.) Then I lurked several MORE months after I found out about the move to a more conducive location for me. Then I joined TALK and lurked… Then I joined. I don’t think I ever would have without TALK being open like it was.
In the same vein, I have an acquintance or 2 who continue lurking, not quite sure if DMS has anything for them. They mentioned that it appeared to have died and wondered if I still “do that”. I assured them nothing had died, and asked why they thought so. They said TALK is so dead, it looks like nothing’s happening there any more…
Interestingly, I agree with you, but when I say that, I think LESS moderator action (i.e. less thread splitting, less moving “foul language”, letting the flagging system do its job, US actually flagging things as needed, US actually splitting threads on our own, etc.)
Are @Team_Moderators even following their own guidelines? There are consequences that are to be handed out for people who do not behave. First offense gets a warning, second offense gets a temporary block, third offense gets referred to the BoD. Moderators can y’all share how many warnings have been given out in the past three months?
This was tried in the past and didn’t work as no one wanted to post in the channel. I believe it is because very few people at DMS want to start particularly mean or targeted topics. Rather, we see things pop up in other threads that can take them off topic or responses get heated as different side entrench themselves. The only good way I know to deal with these is the splitting of topics and sending the controversial side of the split into the “Members Only Area”. While sometimes this is can be abused, it has worked. Most times the moderators pull all the comments that are engaging each other pretty well. Yes, this leads to some confusion in threads from time to time, but it has been mostly good. Most topics that are split stay that way and the controversial part stays hidden from public.
This would usually work the same way, split the mess off, give the offending members access. Let others (who have opted in) have access to sit back with popcorn and judge the foolishness of the participants. The goal is to keep members only somewhat moderated, but leave room for the stuff that nobody has time to moderate besides splitting it off to its own corner.