What do you want the Hackerspace/Computer Committee to offer?
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What do you want the Hackerspace/Computer Committee to offer?
Let your voice be heard! Add responses to the poll and upvote existing responses.
Please add people
Steve Wynn is a big time programmer but I don’t remember his name
Erik Sudeihmerr also is in software
Ummm…his name is Steve Wynn. @Lordrook
no its another steve
Steve Wylie
Anyone interested in sewable circuits?
I want someone on the new committee to consolidate the wiki information - and tell me exactly what you need for Talk categories.
I think we should have an organizational committee meeting soon to get all these details worked out.
@mrcity is steve wylie
i’M ON THE EDge of my seat! which sTEVE is the evil twin and which one is the good one?
@Diplomat Steve Blanchard
i would be interested what type of 3rd party technical courses are being offered? because there’s a lot of outright garbage out there being sold as “introductory classes” when it really just spends hours teaching you how to install Linux.
That being said, I’m on the verge of paying for pentesterlab.com because i just want to access their content (20 bucks a month)
Definitely not me. My last foray into programming was about 32 years ago. I think it was something like this.
10 go to 20
20 print “penis”
30 run
I think you got a bug i that… it should be
10 print "8=========D"
20 goto 10
But yeah basic was fun to learn, would be great to jump on some bbs get a dos shell and play some classic qbasic games.
update: I paid for pentesterlab.com it was pretty good. im already more than halfway through the unix section since i already know most of it. i’d reccommend it to beginners and people that know their way around a unix shell but not how to do all the little tricks useful beyond that
yeah we can cover the more fun stuff doing the midnight hacker events.
Think we maybe even able to create a BlueSniper rifle too and have everyone try to do long range bluetooth and wifi sniffing with wireshark.
Hell been eyeing the latest Wifi Pineapples and how they have cloud based command and control center.