Political maker/artist made middle finger giver

Tired of all the B-S in politics and want to give the finger to all of it?
wow, what a refreshing response…totally wasn’t expecting that answer

Check this artists work out:

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You’ve reminded me of a print I need to do (a comparatively low tech alternative):


This reminded me of one of my favorite professors, who had lost the tip of one middle finger as a child while playing with unexploded munitions (those were the days!).

At age 13, he was seriously injured in a Bazooka blast in the front yard of his childhood home in Yreka, California. His left leg became gangrenous, and he lost 10 cm of his tibia, as well as the terminal digit of the middle finger on his right hand. (This gave him the enviable capacity to issue a graded response to insults, and he enjoyed being able to flick someone e ither the “full finger” or merely “half a finger.” If someone really annoyed him, he would give them the full one and a half.) http://www.zo.utexas.edu/courses/THOC/obit.html (it says obit but he ain’t dead yet)

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More relevant to my interests …


That looks… teledildonic…

If you have ever driven east out of Laughlin, Nevada toward Kingman, Arizona, you may have seen this rock formation