Take 3D Fabrication to the next level:
Nuff Said; I Funded!!
$3400 to get one
They finally got this kickstarted. I first ran across this a couple of years ago.
One sweet machine if it works as advertised.
Yeh, very nice looking design. The only real drawback I see for it, is that it has a really small work envelope.
Is there some canned script for Kickstarter videos? They all seem to sound the same…
“We believe…”
Yeah, that’s about right…Now THAT is a Kickstarter I can get behind!
The adage, “If it aint broke, dont fix it” comes to mind.
Kick starter has a “crowd” and that crowd is drawn/motivated by certain speech patterns, presentation style and “format.”
We all experience it in ads, however most ads are made for the LCD. Kick Starter has its own group that must be catered to, and one would be smart(to get the money) to follow suit where others have triumphed. No need to reinvent the wheel, all that needs to be done is tweak it… Twerk it… Tweel!! LOLOLOL
OK, so 3D Fab committee, when do we put something like this on the “we’d like to fund one” list?