Plein Air Outing

Hi! I am interested in a group Plein Air outing somewhere around DFW and hoping to see if there is any interest!

I used to be a part of a group that had weekly plein air outings and it was quite a fun way to make some art, explore some local beauty and nature, and make friends! I would like to start up a similar group here in Dallas. I was thinking some weekend we could meet up at the Dallas Arboretum to paint and have brunch or some other pretty location. I know its hot but if there’s interest I can put together some locations for when it cools down.

I haven’t seen many posts here about Painting/Drawing/Pastels/Watercolors/ect so let me know if I need to post this elsewhere :slight_smile:


This is the right place. And, we’ve got a couple of new people interested. They may not be particularly active on Talk right now. (Or Discord, either.)

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Wonderful! How would you recommend contacting them? With how hot it is I don’t think it’ll happen for awhile, but maybe eventually a physical flyer?

A physical flier would be helpful. @mreynolds is the Chair, and would need to okay that.

I’d be interested! Bring a sketchbook or whatever each member chooses.

We used to do Plein Art in college and haven’t found groups here but I would wait until fall, less heat.


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My wife has fun with urban sketchers which meets up once a month I believe.


I would be interested when it cools off. Is this something that would be posted on the calendar?

I’m not sure where a physical flyer would be posted or where to keep an eye out for one?

(I usually only hang out in ceramics)

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Hey there! Now that I’ve gotten a few fine arts/drawing/watercolor classes going and we’re going to be moving forward into autumn soon, I can help plan this!

In my still life drawing class this also came up. So I can start looking around maybe some city parks since those are typically free. The Arboretum will cost as well as the Botanical Gardens but I can always contact them and see what pricing per person would be.

I’d be open for anyone wanting to bring sketchbooks, watercolor, easels for painting, cameras etc.

Anyone have ideas of other places we could go to?


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