Pick and Place Machine - Starter Projects & Training

Continuing the discussion from Lift Install Updates:

I think a fee for training on the PnP is a nescessary thing, since it is likely to require maintenance to keep it running. That said, the part where you are talking about designing boards, buying parts, and having a stencil made deserves a little clarity. I believe your talking about needing to do that as part of creating the example that would be used in the class.

Just wanting to make sure no one misunderstands and thinks your talking about have PnP training fees being used to support an unrelated project design/build.

@wandrson yes, we would be making a sample project board that is for DMS. A blinky badge, matrix scroller/animation, my name is, or similar item we can make and train with. Something very simple but still a functional desirable item. NOT a personal project.


I’d be up for helping with the board design. Though I guess I should see how well my two-sided through-hole board turns out before I offer my services! :smiley:

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I feel a bit not excellent about not having time to get the ball rolling on training yet, so I’d jump at the chance to donate a board design, stencil, tens of boards, solder paste, jellybean parts, and as much time as I can find to help train. I think only the daunting prospect of starting the ball rolling from zero kept me from going ahead. I still know how to use it and I still want to help others know how to use it too.

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