Photography interest from a new member and non-dfw native

I am a very very new member-a member that joined to start learning my way around the ceramics realm. I have a good amount of analog photography experience, and I’m curious about exploring the dark room. Is there anyone available that might provide me with a tour of this specific space? I have a lot of questions about the chemicals, materials, etc. I live in downtown Carrollton, so I could work with most any schedule but would prefer after work hours or at least late afternoons. I’m also not from here, so I likely have an abundance of questions related to film/supplies. I do know Don, but his space gives me a bit of anxiety. Preferred camera is a 1977 Nikon FM or leica m10. Seeking camera friends! Also very shy…


While we have a new photography SIG, we don’t currently have a dedicated dark room. When they “burn” the screens for screen printing, they just use one of the bathrooms.


Hello and welcome!

I am the current photo SIG leader and also a ceramics kiln-team member.
As Beth mentioned we currently do not have a dedicated darkroom space. When I’ve hosted film classes with my gear for film dev and darkroom prints we’ve turned one of the classrooms into a temporary darkroom. This is very much a work in progress for the SIG.

For Ceramics, the process is very straight forward, and you should start by taking the Ceramics 100 class. This is the Source page for ceramics where you will find most of the info you will need to get started. There is a link to the upcoming Ceramic’s classes on that page as well.

I can also meet you at the space and give you a tour and answer questions for both Ceramics and Photography if you’d like



Thank you both! I completed my ceramics 100 on Saturday, and will take an intro to the wheel next Saturday! Planning on signing up for classes as I see them posted, but would love to learn more. I’ll have my own clay soon courtesy of another member making a trip to trinity, so if someone might be available to show me the best way to get some cookies started that would be fantastic.

I plan on being at the space this evening you have time I can walk you through any questions you might have in person, or let me know when you’re available.
The Ceramics committee now also has clay for sale at the space. It is Trinity’s white stoneware. If i remember correctly it is $25 for a 25lb bag.

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Any chance you’ll be in the space tomorrow?

Yeah i can be there, what time do you have in mind?

Would 10:30 work for you? I’m flexible!

Yeah i can do 10:30am @ the common room?

Sounds great! Let me know if I can bring you a coffee! It would be from Lemma. Thank you for being so awesome!

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Are people often there this late?

24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

It’s VERY rare to have fewer than 5-6 people in the building, no matter what time it is.