Parts for Dremel tools

I went in yesterday to use a dremel, but all of the collets and nuts are missing off of the tools. Also the square nit to use the extension is missing.
Was I just looking in the wrong place?

:open_mouth: We have a dremel set??
Can you tell me where it’s normally kept?
That would have made some projects so much easier had I known… lol

In the work bench area next to wood shop and the car lift. There is a box of dremel tools. above them on the shelf next to the ryobi tools is a bunch of bit. you need a collet though. Still havent found those.

Have you brought this up to the department head of whichever department they belong to?
I’m surprised to not see any response about this from anybody. Maybe it needs to be posted in a different subforum?

The quickest solution is to just get a kit off of Amazon, or stop by Lowes Depot, and keep it for personal use, especially if you need it more than very occasionally.

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They run away from DMS as soon as they are introduced. Been this way for years.

Home Depot usually has a good selection of Dremel accessories.

I have a home Dremel kit and a work Dremel kit. Now I’m expected to carry one with me in case I want to stop by the Makerspace? That’s crazy. Forgive me if I misunderstood something.

There are a number of tools where the accessories, bits, or other related supplies are somewhere between fully user supplied, questionable, or missing.

The CNC plasma, you ought to bring your own consumables. You want specific router bit profiles, or carefully handled, sharp router bits? You might want to bring your own.

Dremel bits, collets, and nuts sadly seem to be things that apparently members don’t have adequate respect for, and don’t stay useable for very long when provided.

I would think bringing your own case with the collets, collet nuts and bits when you might want to use a dremel beats bringing a whole dremel set.

I bring my own angle grinders when I plan to do welding and grinding at the space, because I prefer to know the condition of the tools and consumables, and they are cheap compared to the welder that is several times more capable than the one I own.

If you learn what the space is, and how it works, and where you can improve it, you will be able to make better use of it to your advantage than if you are concerned that it doesn’t match your vision of what it should be.

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To be clear, you are not expected to do anything, re: Dremel stuff (or re: much else here, actually, other than following the rules). And you can have all of the expectations you want for this place, e.g. always having the tool you want to use up-n-running and in tip-top working order, or supplying you with all the bits-n-pieces and sundries that might make your visits here go more smoothly, but other members are not likely to be too concerned with those, or anyone else’s, expectations. Think of it like traffic, or parking in a crowded parking lot…beyond not crashing into you or you not crashing into them, does anyone really give a crap what your driving or parking experience is like?

I guess it depends on what your ultimate goal is? My suggestion was oriented toward how you can move forward with Dremeling here sooner rather than later at a minimal cost. You say you have a “home” Dremel kit…have you ever experimented with what happens if you transport it outside your home?

I bring my own angle grinders (…) and they are cheap compared to the welder that is (…) more capable than the one I own.

By that exact same logic, I use the angle grinders at the space all the time. I had an atavistic distrust of wireless tools, but got too hard to justify when there’s literally six battery packs ten feet away, with green LEDs and everything.

I do bring my own flap discs. I have one dedicated to mill scale cleanup, a general-purpose disc, a quality disc I’ll never use for anything because I’m too stingy, etc.

Regarding the Dremel™: I am occasionally reminded of the fact that I own one, because I bought those tiny abrasive diamond cutoff wheels, which are sort of useful. Those handheld rotary cutter multi-purpose tools are tiny, noisy, they make tons of noise, they are loud, you can’t think, they’re mostly as dangerous as their bigger counterparts, except they screech more and are way more annoying. If they screeched less they probably wouldn’t circulate enough air to prevent themselves from melting. Now, let’s consider the upsides: they’re cheap.
Also, if you try to scratch your nose while one is running, it will probably just fall down and break, as opposed to a big kid rotary tool, which will crawl up your arm and hug your face, because it is just so wonderful and full of torque.

Considering that the advantages outweigh the downsides, I feel completely fine about the state of the Dremel™ high-speed rotary tool in the space, and I feel that no change is required.

I would hope that as a shared space, we would be thoughtful of others. That how we use things and how we leave things affects other’s usage of the space.

Being excellent to each other is not accomplished when, to use your analogy, people are either driving the wrong way down a one way lane, or leaving their shopping carts willynilly in the lot, forcing others who want to park to zig, zag and swerve. But seeing as how we have people who can’t be bothered to even flush, I figure my expectations are too high.

It is good to know we have capability of a Dremel, even if the implementation needs work.

And, no, I don’t normally imagine a situation where to need to use my Dremel kits away from where I normally keep and use them.
I was only saying that while working on a project at the 'Space that didn’t start out needing one, I found a point in the project where one would be helpful, and not knowing one was available, persevered through the task using what was known to me to be available. I don’t know if it would have been any better to have been told about it at the time, yet find it unable to be used.

Sorry for the griping.

“By Jove, I think he’s got it”

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