Parking, starting 9/1/2018

Now that our neighbors to the north (Tempest) have moved out, we can start using their parking spots. We do not have the keys yet (not until 9/17), so we can’t go inside, but we can park over there.

Please do not park across the back parking lot to the east at Universal Arquati during business hours.

Please do not park in the spots to the south at Xact Xpressions during business hours.

With the new spots around suite 102, we have 88 parking spots and 2 handicapped spots. There is no need to park at our neighbors during business hours.

EDIT by Chris: A map is available at this wiki link.


Potential members might need to know this information, can we move it to a public category?


I haven’t seen a big problem with non-members parking in back during business hours… The worst offenders have been mostly members.

There are 34 spaces available on the West street side and 7 (+2 handicap) spaces against the building on the West side (Front of the building).

On the north side, there are 19 spaces, several of which are shaded by trees.

And finally, in back, to the East are 28 spaces on our side of the back parking lot from the north end to the power transformers to south.

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Please do not obstruct the ramp or the loading dock at Suite 102 because this can interfere with construction.


That’s a lot to remember - even for members of several years…

Is there / can there be a map? e.g.

  • always good
  • always bad
  • ok but avoid business hours

Hey wasn’t that shitbox stuffed with trash under the tarp supposed to have been towed months ago? I remember I almost did when I had to wait on my Rover’s new drive shaft.

Once you see it on a map, it’s easy to remember.


thanks - that’s very helpful - but am not sure I’ve ever seen it, and I have no idea where to find it…

Where’s it hidden? Or is it hiding in plain sight and I’m being not observant?

That’s clear and helpful

Might be handy to pin a copy on that front bulletin board…

I’m sorry - I wasn’t suggesting that it was already posted and that you missed it. I just drew it up.

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I posted a copy on the bulletin board.


There was an older (pre-expansion) version on the new member 411 of the wiki. I updated it with this version.


thanks all - very helpful :smiley: