Parabolic Reflector Pattern

I’d like to generate a couple trough parabolic reflectors for testing a steam generation process. I’m envisioning a 1’ x 2’ pieces of plywood with a parabolic cut in it then a reflective sheet of aluminum pressed into the curve, with an ashed (blackened in a way it can handle 500c heat) aluminum pipe down the fulcrum.

Is there such a pattern already in existence?

I don’t know of any such patterns at DMS, but lots of them exist on the Web. Here’s a DIY YouTube video on it:

Or, for about $22 plus shipping, you could buy one online:

The Space Kart group is using AutoDesk Inventor student version (free). You can create curves using splines or define the curve using an equation. Define the curve and the range for your reflector. You can save the file in a format that the cnc or laser can use. Hope this helps.

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