@uglyknees … Breakfast at the Space?
Pick a time and date and PR would LOVE to help spread the word!
more of a CAD machine than 3d printer…A CAP machine?
Im down with the idea - but I don’t know if I have the chops to pull it off right now.
Someone did this a year or two ago. It may have been waffles.
I own a PancakeBot. Pretty finicky to get the batter just right.
Seems they recently shut down production of the Pancakebot.
We can do a waffle festival to generate funds for the Maker Fellowship Fund. I can bring a dual waffle iron and supplies.
They were delicious!
Haven’t had the batter tube out in a while, I keep a spindle on it most the time. The MPCNC is great for this.
If anyone wants to try again I’ve got a few suggestions.
The batter dispenser was a 3inch PVC pipe with a toilet bowl flapper on the end of a leadscrew with a 1/4 air line quick connect as a nozzle and worked a lot better once i gave up on trying to draw the batter into the cylinder and switched to a piping bag and nozzle that I dropped in the cylinder.
Also, you want to mix the batter as little as possible otherwise it will rise quickly and make it hard to get a consitent “extrude” rate.
How did the gcode programming work?
Originally, we just used a 3D print slicer to generate a single layer. This was the easiest as we could simply adjust the print width and extrude rate and get pancakes printing.
Later I started creating a post for HSMworks and treated it more as a laser raster operation. At the time marlin didn’t support rapid moves, and I struggled getting the extrude rate dialed in.