Our Payphone is Trending on Reddit

Over two weeks our project Phone that one can hack and phreak post has been trending on /r/2600.

I think this should be a good focus to complete and maybe have hanging in one of the lobbies. what do you guys think?


Nice. I’ve got an old wall phones if we want to hook up a ring down circuit. I have no idea how, I’m just the idea man. Cue Michael Keaton in Nightshift, but I don’t know how to do that either.

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“I got it! Take live tuna fish and feed them mayonnaise! Call Starkist!”

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You know how I love this project. I’m ok with having this in the lobby, at least for a set period where we can show it off. What else do you need parts-wise to complete this?

Hey, can we get a list of what we need to make this happen? This thread kinda died and Andrew is ALL ABOUT this idea.

@tomthm @denzuko @anonymous_bosh


I’ve got more enthusiasm than skills in this case, but do think it’s a great idea.


Just don’t go and “assume” - it may work out no better than his “prostitution.”

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I’ve been on 20 hour workdays for the past two weeks and going into week three, hence why there’s been radio silence on my end. But last I remember we need the bottom lock drilled and the replacement t-key has been ordered:


Should be here at the space by the 17th.

After that comes the fun part. rigging up the tinsy arduino and raspberry pi 4:


Ok, going to do a little redesign on the fly…

should we go build the custom hardware to keep the same internals or gut the internals and slap in a raspberry pi (with custom hardware for the handset): https://hackaday.com/2015/03/09/convert-a-rotary-phone-to-voip-using-raspberry-pi/

Pros for gutting:

  • Lighter and easier to mount
  • Management/debugging becomes; login into the raspberry pi for nearly everything

Cons for gutting:

  • looses hardware and machine logic
  • Coins no longer function
  • Technical skill is limited on the custom hardware part but schematic files exist for the non gutting to make it

Other issues:

  • both methods still require the raspberry pi for sip service
  • non gutting method allows us to use the pbx system we already have at the space and but requires waiting on infrastructure to apply changes and allow us change configurations to dial plans
  • Costs are about the same but time is the constraint

I have a phone line simulator with dial tone I can loan to this project. I’ll want it back when/if the phone goes away but no time pressure otherwise.

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We could try it, I’m open to any ideas.

Though the thing to remember is we’re needing to connect to an asterisk server at some point in there that way we are able to use the redboxing service and C*net. Not hard and there’s ways of doing it without the payphone just something to note.

We’re in…