Shifts from 10-6. Tell me what timeframe works for you + pick a project. (Aysha is already down for 5-6p. I’ll be there all day.)
We have enough projects to keep multiple lasers running
which means we can handle 4 volunteers at a time
Zing: nametags for Chair & Vice-Chair in dual layer acrylic. Need Zing-trained operators.
Blitzen: Evan has an idea for small, quick custom take-aways. I’m trying to talk him into engraving our yellow pencils. I don’t expect him to work all day, so if you are comfortable with pencil engraving this gig is for you.
Donner / Big Thunder: print blocks for the Printmaking committee. And coaster takeaways (Haley’s idea).
I have a bunch of scrap 9mm cast acrylic (really thick) from a project that’s over. We can use for giveaways if you guys want. Maybe something keychain sized?
I’m planning on being there Friday night, all day Saturday and then Sunday for the meeting. Happy to support however possible.