I need to get a QR code based on a conversation that will be on this thread in the future.
Crazy right?
I hope the date is not changing
Shouldn’t be changing. We are trying to get everything as problem solved as possible but you should hear all the details soon.
Ok guys,
We will have the application out before the end of the day but I wanted to post this and see how much interest we can generate. This will be the first time we’ve done something like this so I hope we will get lots of members who want to try this out.
On December 10th we are going to have our first Makermade fair - basically DMS members selling handmade goodies to people. The table fee is rock bottom to help us build this event and to put some money towards the Fellowship fund.
How many people are interested in participating?
I’m interested
And some more blather…
That’s really soon, otherwise I’d say I’d try to make stock for it just to fill space as a table
Trying to think of the people who’ve done fairs in the past:
@dryad2b @Kriskat30 @Cairenn_Day @CaryF300 @Webdevel @Patrick @apparently_weird @FeatherCuffs @missydee1206 @heyheymama @Julie-Harris @cmcooper0 @mreynolds
Ya I know the turn around time isn’t kind at all.
I’m in. My stock fits in a small box so I hoard it. I could let people paint ornaments again as a free activity if the ornaments from open house are still in fired arts. Let me know when/if you want me to post this to various DFW crafting/vendor groups, I think I should wait a reasonable amount of time to give DMS members first chance at the tables.
Ya, we talked about it - for this very first attempt we are going to limit it to DMS members as vendors. It was a crap shoot but with things being so close in the timeline I think this is the best choice for us right now. That way we can work out/with the kinks before opening it up to be much larger.
I would, but all of my things are personalized, and made to order. I don’t have any sort of inventory that is just ready to buy.
Do we have plans to advertise this to the outside world?
Made this. Not proud but it’s something.
Going to have them printed as postcards and distribute via tours and different places around Carrollton.
I you want to make something please feel free.
If I have a table, will there be any bad feels about me sharing space with a non member with similar items?
5 weeks huh. My prices are high. I wouldn’t expect to sell much or at all from a walk up, but I’m willing to write it off as a business expense to help make this successful. Do we get to pick who we may or may not want as table neighbors? … ahem … @FeatherCuffs
Shouldn’t be. Your table, your space to use as you like no?
Is the fair on the 9th at noon like the poster, or the 10th like the Calendar reads (starting at 9:30)?
what is the signup procedure?
Don’t make me seperate you two.
Obvs it’s more fun when you can blame someone else as the bad influence
Ya never know. We have some good artists here and if folks know to watch for them, they might be prepared for shopping for higher priced gifts.
For those that are interested in something more than they expected or needing to spread cost out, I’ve had good luck with deposits/layaways and them following up soon. No biggie. I do that a lot in my normal business. Its a thought.
With the bit of time until, maybe there’s some smaller items that’d be quickish to make that would complement your higher-end items?