There is an online course now available for the Training-Required High Speed Polishing Machine (AKA Buffer). It is on Moodle at this link. It should take less than 30 minutes; 13 of which are the required videotape.
Successful completion of the quiz with a score of 80% or higher should automatically assign you to the AD group for this equipment.
Not wanting to try to throw a wrench, but just a simple question…
A while ago I did the simple soldered rings with Sue Rogers which was using the hydroflux along with the buffer so my question is if an AD specifically for the buffer is created, would all of us that have already done this be automatically added or would we have to do it again since we’re not on the AD for it since it doesn’t apparently exist right now.
Again, not trying to throw wrenches or cause an issue, but it is a curiosity so we would know how to proceed.
Well, I’m not king, but since we don’t have any RFID verification on that equipment IMO it’s mostly just to have something to record successful course participants.
However, having said that, the entire course is a single safety slide, a 12:37 video and a short quiz. I learned a lot from watching the video. Even if not required, most people would benefit.
It’s up to @nausser915 as to what he will require …
On my last check, the Hydroflux class did not cover the safety requirements necessary for unsupervised use of the buffing machine. For unsupervised use, members should complete this simple safety tutorial.
BTW…this is the class I was speaking about when I asked about if everyone that had already received training on the buffer was going to be added or would have to do do the training again…