As we seek to ensure proper use of the tools. I was hoping to help create on line certification course for carbide, xcarve multicam, PIGS cncn?? etc. I or others could take dictation and maybe organize some information for the instructors in a initial moodle course design. It would be my hope that initial design would be edited so that i meets the desire of the instructor. It would be an ok skillset for me to learn.
So you don’t end up with another disappointing result from trying to do a good deed, you really should engage the relevant committees first. You find a lot more support for your efforts.
On area that might be able to take advantage of your technical background is the group that is responsible for networking and computers. I exoect they could use support with documentation and other things. Consider recahing out to @jphelps today.
IT provides the services but we normally don’t want to be the ones managing content or normal access. Ideally a group focused on doing training would manage Moodle access but if we don’t have that right now, and I don’t know that we do, it falls on IT to manage the access rights.
Generally I’d suggest working with a committee chair, e.g. Woodshop ( @SWA ) and then if y’all agree to move ahead with Moodle training and have one or more instructors that need to be granted access we’d do that. If you want to do something across the entire space then perhaps coordinating with @mrjimmy our president would make sense?