One day, this will all be yours

Anyone else have a collection of inheritables like this? Guilty


I do and more. My son has already said he doesn’t want it, too.


I just ordered a new Raspberry PI 5 to add to it, too.


They typically bury you 6 feet deep. I told my wife for them to dig the hole a little deeper and throw all my stuff into it, along with me. I want to take it all with me when I go.


I’d take it all with me but I can’t remember what half of it does…


And that’s important why?

Yeah, that’s a really good question. You see, I don’t know what some of it does so there’s the off chance there may be some kind of a “Lazarus” machine. If it activates and brings me back, them I’m surrounded by a bunch of unknown stuff so my situation hasn’t improved. Without food or water, I’ll probably die again and I might find myself in a Groundhog Day situation…only buried. So…I’d better not risk it.

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I was at an estate sale the weekend before last that had a garage full of ancient electronics and a few old radios. They were selling vacume tubes by the laundry sized tub. Pretty sure one of the old Ar/an signal generators was the same model as my radar avionics school in the military - and it was old in the late 1980s.


My dad was the owner of Fowkes Electronics, something like Radio Shack. He closed all four stores down around 1979 and stored it all in two 10x35 foot storage lockers. By the time I inherited it, it was over 20 years later, dad had condensed it all into one locker and It was auctioned off for about the cost of one month’s storage fee.