In support of the new combined committee (Congrats!) … I’d be happy to teach an 1-2hr Intro to Raspberry Pi class next month (Likely the last week of Sept)
To help plan… I’m collecting a list of what people would like to learn about the RPi.
Desired Topics, and current level of knowledge would be helpful from anybody interested. (Zero knowledge is OK!.. just want to know that.)
There may be some overlap with the Electronics committee (e.g. interface to LEDs, Motors, circuits, etc)
I would love to attend! I have little experience with Pi. I have done a few projects but literally just copied instructions from YouTube without actually knowing what I was doing…
Late to the party, but interested… My experience is old school stuff like Radio Shack kits, building computers, loading LINUX on webservers, helping my dad wire stuff on car washes with our feet in water… So essentially no experience.
I teach a number of Arduino classes and have had a number of people ask about RPi classes. I’m sure they will be well received. Let me know if I can help. The next step would be a series of RPi/Linux classes. Thanks for taking this on!
Would like to see the breakout adapter, and how to call device library functions for a specific interface to a specific device; say a load cell or or a X-Bee Radio. IoT stuff