Oct 26 or 27 Tour Request

Hi Makerspace volunteers!

My colleague and I would be greatful to any volunteer that could give us a tour of the facility on Thursday or Friday of this week (Oct 26/27). We have experience with most manufacturing and prototyping processes and are excited to learn how we can collaborate with the Makerspace community :slight_smile: . For more info on our company, please visit PayGo Energy’s website . Please let me know if there is a time that works to stop by!

Thank you!
Mike Hahn

There are also regular tours Saturdays 10A-noon

Thanks Rich,

Unfortunately I am flying out Friday night. Any chance you or someone else will be around today or tomorrow? I’d love to visit with my colleague.



I can give y’all a tour today until up to about 3pm, or tomorrow between noon and 4pm. Today works better for me, but not a big deal.

Please be aware that a tour can take anywhere from 15 min (If you just want to really quickly glance through all the areas), to an hour if you want the official tour.

If that works for you, let me know what time you are thinking, and I’ll DM you my cell #.

Thanks Joshua!

Today would be great. We’ll try to be there around 2 if that works for you.

Sounds good. I sent you a direct message with my cell, if you get lost or in case nobody answers the door.

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