Started a bisque kiln last night. There were a couple of items that were too damp to fire.
Also, if we know who put a sort-of bean shaped solid lump of clay on the greenware shelves, you might let them know that I’ve moved it over to the No-Fire shelves until I get contact info. It really looks like it wound up on the firing shelves by accident.
Looking at it today. I’m seventy percent sure Beth said that Connor checked the elements on the big kiln (maybe replaced/re-pinned one) but I could be mistaken. I’ll report back when I have info!
Okay, so today we did kiln maintenance (thank you @JasonM314, @Shirley and Annette!) which was apparently much needed. Kilns have been vacuumed out and all the old kiln wash has been ground off of the shelves. Unfortunately, in doing so we found quite a lot of old glaze drips under layers of wash. We got a portion of them ground down but have a lot left to go. We’ll be doing those Monday night and then I’ll finish up applying new kiln wash Tuesday morning. I’ll fire them in the kiln up to 250 for a bit to get them nice and dried out.
What this means:
Bisque will be pushed back to Wednesday. However, we should be able to pack the kilns much more efficiently moving forward. We can also use the small kiln to catch any overflow if we don’t get everything in the big kiln on Wednesday. Works pretty well, Fire one kiln while the other is cooling and you can get things knocked out pretty fast. Apologies for the slight delay, the shelves needed more love (and vicious abrasion) than expected.
Loaded up a bisque kiln. Most everything that’s left was a bit damp. There was boatloads of flat stuff, so the tall stuff didn’t get in. I didn’t load the small kiln because things needed more drying time.
When do you think you will fire bisque? The teapot just needed a couple days since I wet it.
There is a round bowl with lid there I just made it is not ready.