Not best practice

Did you really think that it would change???

Another suggestion is putting the paper in a fob-unlocked cabinet. Easier to track who is using it and when and would make it easier for remedial training.

Can we put push pins through the back of the foam pad with the points down and sitting just under the Velcro loops? Basically insuring that after they wear through the the sand paper their work gets some good gouges reminding them to change the sandpaper……sort of like brake wear indicators.

My other idea is cameras like game tracker cameras….nice headshots of the users.

If someone wanted to start a business we could make a lockout cord system, no keys or codes, that just snapped a pic of the person removing the lockout.


Would it also be possible to create a sandpaper “vending” machine for members to purchase sandpaper discs? If there was a direct cost associated with usage members would remove their paper to take with rather than “free” paper to use to infinity and beyond?

TLDR: It’s not the paper’s fault. It’s the user who is the problem

There had been a number of comments about how to offer sandpaper, but I think that is a rabbit trail. When the paper is there to be purchased for a dollar or even stolen from the rack … the issue isn’t availability. Even back when paper was free, some users didn’t appear to know when to change the paper.

The solution you seek must inspire a willingness to not use paper beyond the point of good practice.

I suggest it would be better for the hive mind to work on ways to give incentive to changing paper frequently and/or catch users who abuse.

Catch’em and then what?

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