I did my training in 2019, last time I used tools in the woodshop was back in 2021, when I tried yesterday, I was not able to access the tools. when I scanned my RFID, I saw I had authorization to do woodworking basics, but still not able to get the green light on the table saw, joiner, or planner, can someone look into this issue and help me get access?
How long has your current badge been activated? If it’s been a while, then somebody needs to check things. If, however, you just rejoined and just set up that badge, then Woodshop tools have a “refresh cycle”.
In other news, have you tried the woodshop machines today?
The system that the interlocks use to update user data from DMS is currently down and we’re working on getting it resolved.
Thank you both, I will check today to see if it starts working.
I believe that woodshop requires folks from that long ago to retake basics and that the AD group used for access was changed accordingly.
@Team_Woodshop needs to provide you with guidance.
The interlock provider was able to resolve the issue and it should be updating credentials properly now. It may take about 30 minutes to fully synchronize with AD.
@jast can we please close this tread?