Nice little local DMS writeup

One of the women who went on a tour last night wrote a great little article about her visit. She also took a freaky photo of me where I look like I’m hiding food in my cheeks.


HaHa, someone featured the aquaponics system, again!

“In fact, I think that just about anything taken to the dumpster represents a missed opportunity that we should rethink”

I like that particular sentiment.

Good article, overall.
And yeah, apparently visitors LOVE the aquaponics setup. It kinda seems like we need to plant something in it, though, eh?

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He just harvested it. More plants are coming.

Hey how about we have an art show about things made from stuff that’s discarded. OH WAIT WE ARE!!!


Maybe you should have a special section for sawdust?

Not poo pooing this trash to frame event. I think it’s awesome, and you’re great for putting it together, hosting it, putting in the time and effort you do; I cannot heap enough praise on you for it.
But a future event should take the next step, and the next step would be…
Exhibits made from exclusively from stuff discarded AT THE 'SPACE. That way, it all still goes away,but not to the landfill.

In addition, outside the realm of creative art, I believe I’ve shared more than once my pie in the sky that we could find ways to recycle most of what we discard here. Specifically starting with metals, which should be easy enough but is proving not to be so. Aluminum cans are still discarded as common trash, and separation after the fact is not trivial. Then on to sawdust, paper, etc. etc.
Our dumpster SHOULD be largely empty, in my opinion, but it’s hard to get folks to use the limited infrastructure we already have in place…

I like the way you’re thinking… :smiley:

Can’t we make fiber board with the saw dust? Mix it like a concrete mixer and add a binder chemical and compress it with slabs? The pyro guys could make heck of a fireball with it too.