We should probably schedule our next meeting before October schedules get too filled up. Anyone want to chime in? Also please feel free to tag anyone I may have missed, I can’t remember everyone who was at the last meeting. If you are new and interested in woodturning, consider making the next meeting, its always very informative and we do a show and tell. This months turning challenge is a turned drinking vessel.
14th works for me afaik. Any demo this time? Keeping in mind the lathe on wheels is not working well. Do you think you can for some sort of rudimentary lathe for it?
As far as a demo, I’d like to offer to pick up where I left off when I was so rudely interrupted by family business - sharpening on the grinder(s)…I’ll also bring a couple of hand outs on sharpening. October 14th works great…I would also like to review the lathe layout in the new area - once we get in there, we’ll have some wiggle room, but want to share the 2 basic options.
Ok, so I found this exactly where I had left it. Except it was covered up. this is the drinking vessel I had planned to show at the last SIG meeting. It is Cocobolo about 10" tall. Nasty piece. always wear a breathing apparatus with cocobolo. Looking forward to the next one, working on my ornament. cheers!