News on the Street -- aka Monetary Lane -- for Sat 2021/10/30

There’s definitely a science to using brake dive and rebound to your advantage. There were two monster dips in the street by the city park in Commerce (my hometown, yuck). If you timed your braking just right you could hit the dip at max rebound and kinda float across it. Or you could do like one rookie cop did the first time he had to roll code-3 thru that intersection and hit it flat out, bottom out on both dips, and total the cop car in your first week on the job.


That reminds me of something from early childhood.

My elementary school did not have lunchroom facilities so we were taken by bus to another school which did. On one of the routes back were a couple of those monster dips. Somehow the kids got the idea to stand up and sit back down repeatedly in unison to get the back of that bus to bounce really high as we went through that intersection.


We did the same thing with the dip in Elementary school.


It is amazing how totally separate people were doing the same seemingly random things before Al Gore invented the Internet.

Others off the top of my head include:

  • the parody song, glory glory hallelujah, teacher hit me with a ruler
  • the “last great act of defiance” picture with the bird swooping down on the mouse
  • that fortune teller folded out of paper

Maybe they spread by summer camp? I don’t now.

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I prefer the frog in the pelican’s bill with his hands around the bird’s neck to keep from getting swallowed. :laughing: The epitome of “Never give up!”