April 21, 2019, 6:42pm
I want to build a website for news aggregation. I know we can use some wordpress plugins to parse the RSS feeds of other news websites. But I want to group them by news topic/area within a tab automatically. For example
->International Affairs (Tab)
—>UK (First Level Group)
----->Brexit (Topic Level Group)
Any idea how this can be achieved. I am not looking for wordpress based solution as I want to add some machine learning algorithm on top of them.
April 21, 2019, 7:20pm
I just found this
I want to build something like this.
First, if one is trying to it’s machine learning then one should be looking at an indexer like elastic search and using the rss module in logstash.
From there one can parse for the rss category tag and even add tags per source.
Your sentiment analysing code then can query elastic search for data sets and act upon that.