New Vector Event - Learn to restore an old pinball machine

Many have asked for a way to get into pinball/arcade restoration. I just posted a class for May18th, 7 pm, to work on a 1967 pinball restoration project. We will hold sessions every 2 weeks, wednesdays, 7pm. You don’t need to know anything (I am a novice), you just need to be willing to figure out things as a group and love to tinker and troubleshoot. I am limiting the group to 5 people each time. This first session will have 3 teams, restoring the playfield circuits, cleaning the scoring reels, and working on the cabinet.

Come have some fun, meet some new people, and hopefully fix more than we break. I just posted the class today so it should be live on the schedule this weekend.


Did you mean May 18th?

Yeah, I knew it was one of those M months.

Thank you!!! I’ve been trying since I joined in 2018 to get Vector to have classes or something so those of us interested in working on these machines can learn. I want to buy my own machine, but have no clue what’s involved with restoring or tinkering/troubleshooting, so this will be perfect! :partying_face: