One of the recent updates brought a new automated badge for us. The new badge is called “New User of the Month”; and, is granted to congratulate two new users each month for their excellent overall contributions, as measured by how often their posts were liked, and by whom.
**The two "New User of the Month" badges that were automatically awarded on the first of this month were awarded to our following two TALK members:**
[center]Brandon O (@bnoden) and Daniel H (@tombakerftw)[/center]
Brandon is a new member of Dallas Makerspace. He joined us on TALK within minutes of joining Dallas Makerspace ready to jump into taking classes; and, on the same day volunteered to bring Hackaday’s World Create Day 2017 to the 'Space!
Daniel is also new member of Dallas Makerspace. He has already volunteered to teach classes, as well as helped other members by posting a link to a helpful guide for vinyl backing tape.
**Congratulations and Thanks to both of you for your positive contributions to Dallas Makerspace!** :_dms_: