Got in and started to try and organize the tool box. We have a lot of nice measurement tools.
@TLAR Would like to also hank you minions for donating several drawers of tools to Machine SHop - need to get some paint remover for the Green and reapply Blue (drawer full of pry bars, toque wrench, etc.) Let me know where to put them or they can come and fetch.
@Team_Machine_Shop need some input regarding the organization of of the tools. Here’s my recommendations:
Tools in boxes: these take up a lot of space, would like to make an organizer in the drawers to accommodate the individual calipers and micrometers. Items that have sets such has 3-4 micrometers, keep them in cases as it is easy to take the whole set. We can get a lot more tools in them.
Tool ID by Drawer: If making the organizer, would like to have a drawer number or symbol on indicating what drawer and even possibly the tool the tool niche so they can be put back in proper spot.
I’d like to start a Measurement Tools Team under Machine Shop. Will be responsible for measurement tools, calibration, teaching classes, etc. I would like to lead this. If anyone else is interested let me know. I want to also make some laminated sheets showing what tools are best for select jobs and how to use.
We need to make a bracket on the end of chest to hold the BIG caliper, it’s too wide to fit inside.
If any committee is interested in the cabinet (@Team_PR - can you use this for organizing stuff in the closet or possibly holding items that are in offsite storage, would help keep them clean) let Nick Silva know.
I have a friend who has in the past used a laser cutter to do some internal tool holders on his toolbox in OKC. So maybe we could design something and then cut an appropriate material to help keep the tools organized in the toolbox.
there are a couple of excellent Mitutoyo tools which I would like to see kept in the boxes (especially the wood boxes) to keep dust and grime out of the working parts.
These are precise tools and should be cared for a wee better than the rest. IMO.
I mostly fininished clearing it out Sunday except for a couple of items at the bottom. Come and get it!
Speaking of metrology tools, do we have a surface plate and a height gauge in the shop? I’m running some parts for school on the Bridgeport that require tight tolerances. I’m fairly new to the shop so I don’t know if we have these items. If we do have a surface plate, what grade is it? AA, A, or B?
We have a fairly large surface plate on a roll around cart. It has a plywood cover over it, and I believe it is usually parked under the infeed rollers for the cold saw.
I don’t remember what grade it is marked, but we have zero knowledge of how it was treated before us, and I know it has seen some disrespect here. And it is out of certification date as well. So it is only as accurate as you determine it to be until someone decides if we can treat it well enough to quote having a company come in and lap it back into a suitable standard.
I’ll add that my personal opinion is that it would make sense if we had enough space, to have a designated metrology room, to protect the plate, with cleaner than workshop air to protect the tools and plate. Maybe once it isn’t in the middle of heavy parts handling, it would make more sense to invest in bringing it back up to a reasonable standard.
We have two height gauges. What sort of tolerance are you working with in terms of parallelism and flatness?
At the last Machine Shop committee meeting on Sunday that is one of the things I suggested asked be included in the expanded Machine Shop area if we get the building next door.
* Next large lathe should be CNC, need estimated foot print and power/air requirements. * Another Cold cut saw for Aluminum. As suggested this could be at other end of roller feed table. * Mumble mumble surface grinder * Dedicated floor space for Layout and Inspection 5’ x 10’ would be enough (tool chest next to surface plate) * Optical Comparator or hardness tester - would need to be added to inspection area * More work tables - common area probably shared with Machine Shop. (emphasis added)
Presuming hatchers could be relocated to the expanded space, that room might make a good metrology lab, though possibly cramped depending on what goes in. My recollection is that it has good AC, and the location allows for good flow between it and metal shop.