New member questions: How soon can I use the equipment after sign-up?


I took a tour a year ago when it was a bad time to get information. I think I’d like to join asap and start using the woodworking tools immediately to finish a project with a fast approaching deadline. My questions:

  1. What is the rip capacity of the tablesaw?
  2. I already know how to use the tablesaw, planer, and all of the tools I would need. How soon after I sign up online can I start using them? I remember there is a key fab system to turn on machines but I do not recall the details. I assume I “test out” and prove to a higher-level member I can and they grant me access?
  3. I’d like to store my project for 2 weeks or less. It’s about 20 small display cabinets for a friend’s booth. The overall footprint is not very large, maybe like a single car parking space. How does that work?

Thank you in advance!

Duplicate of this thread.