Hi, new here with questions on sublimation equipment. I’d like permission/instructions on access. Artist with experience looking to start holiday project orders. Last class filled before I could signup. @CaryF300 @AmeliaG
Thanks in advance.
Hi, new here with questions on sublimation equipment. I’d like permission/instructions on access. Artist with experience looking to start holiday project orders. Last class filled before I could signup. @CaryF300 @AmeliaG
Thanks in advance.
I have just added a Dye Sub 101 class for December 6th at 7pm. It should be available for registration within 72 hours.
Thank you!
Don’t see the class listed yet. Can you post link?
If we assume that @CaryF300 posted on Talk right after creating the class, it looks like it won’t hit the calendar until about 9:37 this morning.
Clicking on the (Talk) time of posting, i.e., where it said 3d above, shows this:
Adding the 72 hour calendar delay gets us to later this morning.
Class is now live:
You might take a look at your class posting. It says registration is open but it doesn’t say how many slots. That might indicate that you have unlimited slots in your class …