New Member - Building Access

Hello all,

I am an new member who joined this week and I am looking for someone who can meet me to let me in the building to sign my waiver and get badge access. I tried to activate the FOB this past Thursday before my Woodworking class but I ran out of time, but I believe I know now what I need to do.

Thanks for your help!

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If you grabbed one while you were in Thursday, you can click on the “MakerManager” link above and add the number of the badge there. Otherwise you can try to stop by this afternoon and ring the doorbell to see if someone will let you in to grab a badge. Otherwise a number of us will be around tomorrow afternoon doing work around the space, and we can let you in then.


Thank you skyspook I appreciate the help. Is there a way to sign the form again remotely? I did try to activate the FOB I got Thursday in MakerManager but I get an error:
“No waiver found that matches this user and email address You can fill out a waiver again at any of the kiosks and try again.”
I did receive a confirmation of the signed form in my email so I’m not sure what went wrong.

You’ll need to do that in person unfortunately. Make sure your email, first name, and last name when you sign the waiver all match what you signed up with. A few of us will be around tomorrow afternoon that might be able to debug your account if it doesn’t work.


I will pass by tomorrow then. Thank you!

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