New Member Access + Questions 10/2/23

Hi there!

My name’s Violet Vermillion. I’m a new member and need some help with access to the building and FOB setup, as well as with some questions about access.
I am looking to use the metal fabrication shop, but primarily only as a workspace since I have my own welder and tools, and am AWS certified in stick welding, but don’t have any accessible space at my apartment to use them. I live 2 hours away, and this is the closest space nearby that I can practice welding at before I go into the work field.
I don’t see any Metal Shop Safety classes here for months, and I’m completely familiar with each machine in the shop as I used them every day at the shop at my previous school. But again, I won’t be needing to use anything more than just the space and an outlet for the welder and grinder I have.

Would it be alright for me to come by, sign the waiver, and practice today? I’m available to be there around 4-5pm today, but if there’s any later time that works for someone on here that they would prefer, I can show up then as well.

Thank you!

This will have to be approved by the metalshop chair and safety training is a requirement. We have some very nice welding equipment, but I have known of someone who brought their own welder to DMS. @rlisbona @dryad2b You can also post Metalshop specific questions here:Metal Shop - Dallas Makerspace Talk

The metal shop chairman ( I believe his name is Randy)is usually in the shop on Monday night fixing things . I would recommend that you take the hot work safety class on line. Then talk to Randy and might be able to sign you off.
I would also recommend the your green dot, it help member better help new members.

Oh neat! Yeah I can take these online classes. Thank you!
Sorry for asking, what’s the green dot you’re referring to?

Find the thread where you can post your details and someone will assign your green dot to your screen name after verifying that you’re a current member.

Oh thank you, just did.

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Hot process class is on

I can show you our welders and you can decide if it worth the trouble to bring yours in.

Im usually there by 6 on monday nights

Alright, I can show up at that time as well. My welder is a pretty compact 3-in-1 so it’s no trouble bringing it along, but thank you, that could be helpful.