We have a tumbler in Jewelry/Small Metals! I’m bringing a colander and tumble media on Thursday night. I added several classes to the calendar tonight, including a workshop for our new tumbler. It is dedicated to jewelry, no rocks or any other materials please!!!
That is great news, I discovered than my tumbling media had not faired well.
I am having problems getting the events calendar to load on my computer. Can you tell me when the classes are scheduled?
Wire Wrapped Clasps, 2/11, 7-8:30p (I have a spot reserved for you @Terrence); Metal Shear/Grinder 2/18, 7-8p; Tumbler workshop, 2/25, 7-8p, Sawing and Piercing, 3/3, 7-8:30p. I’ll be adding several more for the shear, grinder, tumbler, which won’t require a ticket…mostly just showing how to use them properly.
What are you using @Cairenn_Day ?
I had some steel shot, but it seems a rodent made a nest in the top of the container it was in—it was gross, so it went out in the trash.
Does anyone have a vibratory tumbler/ polisher that I could look at? I keep wondering if I could build one.
The machine shop has a vibratory tumbler. Usually kind of gross.