Just paid my first month of membership about an hour ago and haven’t even been to the campus yet, lol.
I was wondering if anybody would be around on the 12th that wouldn’t mind showing me around and helping me figure out what I need to do to use lab equipment (i.e. testing/certification requirements).
While I imagine the electronics lab is where I would likely fit in the most, I plan on attending the new member orientation as well and touring the whole campus. Unfortunately I saw a thread earlier about it possibly being cancelled, so that’s kinda up in the air I guess.
I’ll save my introduction for another time as I’m not even sure if it would be welcome in this forum category.
Rob, welcome. Thursday night I know I’ll be around starting about 5:30 till after 9. Can give you a tour. @Team_Electronics can walk you through what equipment they have. (The angry pixies don’t like me so I tend to stay out of that area)
I believe @Edenblue has taken that class on again, this week… (hopefully summoning Lara’s attention here will get an affirmation or refutation, but I think it’s still on, despite that thread’s title, with SOMEONE standing in for Andrew LeCody).
Let me welcome you to DMs I can’t help you much with electronics and I’m not being at this place as much as usual Transportation issues. But if I’m around I’ll be willing to show off jewelry especially and summer creative arts do you have any interest there. Most people know me short fat old lady with hair in a messy bun on top of my head God talks a lot I hope you enjoy the space as much as I do it is a wonderful place to make things and to meet and network with other people and to learn about things you didn’t know anything about
Well, to be honest, I’m not really sure at this point. I don’t really have any hobbies other than playing PC games, and that’s one of the reasons I decided to join. I work two weeks on/one week off in the West Texas Oilfields, and I wanted to find a more productive way to spend my time on my week off. Unfortunately, living in an apartment, I don’t have anywhere to put the tools I want to buy to take on new projects.
I’d definitely be interested in the Amateur Radio SIG, as I
do have my amateur radio license and I used to work for a local Kenwood/EFJohnson dealer. Actually one of my last projects at that job was building and configuring a three site multicast/trunked DMR system. I have an extensive knowledge of P25 systems as well. I don’t really do the HF long range DX stuff, but I’m not opposed to it. I just never really felt like dropping the money for the right gear to do it to be honest.
I used to fly RC planes a lot. Everyone started going electric and I actually preferred the glow engine planes and I just kind of fell out of the hobby. I do own a DJI Spark, but it doesn’t get nearly as much use as it should. Actually one of the first projects I was thinking about tackling is some sort of long range antenna mod for it.
My background is in RF. I joined the Army as a 25S (Satellite Communications System Operator/Maintainer) and contracted in Afghanistan as a satcom engineer for a while after I got out. I’m now an E-Tech for a Major oilfield service provider in Odessa, and we basically have to work on anything and everything electronic. Closed loop systems, transducers, Coriolis flow meters, CANbus modules/PLCs, some basic IT functions, and the list goes on and on.
I’d like to learn more about machining and 3d printing, and really just fabrication in general. I also wouldn’t mind teaching a class or two if somebody wants like an RF theory 101 or something along those lines. I have a pretty good class on modulation that I used to give during my short career as a satcom instructor for the Army. (Hated that job, didn’t last long lol)
I want to build stuff instead of being lazy at home. Not sure what stuff yet, but definitely cool stuff.
Welcome to DMS! I’ll probably be around most nights this week, I’m trying to get a project finished on the Haas CNC mill. I do mostly 3d printing and machining/fabrication at the space, and wouldn’t mind sharing some knowledge.
Welcome down the rabbit hole. If your experience is anything like mine, you’ll find that you’ve made a life-changing decision by joining. Here’s why:
You probably have a certain set of personal characteristics about you that made you want to get into electronics. You’re not afraid to work with your hands. You have natural curiosity. You find working on a project and bringing it to completion therapeutic. You feel a sense of accomplishment from mastering rare skills. I could go on.
These same characteristics will lead you to explore and master other maker skills, now that those doors are open to you. Once you see how easy it is to create custom designs and print them 3D printer, you’ll give that a try – probably to make cases for electronic things. Likewise, the laser cutters are ridiculously easy to use, so you’ll find some project needs can be satisfied there, too.
And then the making spirit will have you. Did Midas Mufflers just quote you $1,000 to redo your brakes? Heck, I can probably do that myself with a little bit of guidance from other makers for $150. Looking for a fun date idea? Take her to a pottery class. Looking for Christmas gift ideas? Maybe you could use the woodshop lathes to make custom exotic pens. Again, I could go on.
So, welcome to your new home away from home. You’ll find an interesting, eclectic group of like-minded people here.