New DMS logo files available

Sorry LISA!!!
this is not a debate forum, the logo was designed and was decided to be changed, Im sorry that you could not find the time to attend those meetings but that was decided… there was a membership meeting and the new proposal was voted on…

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You may believe/assert that this item is not open for debate due to some meeting - but THIS FORUM is very much where items/topics ARE DEBATED & DISCUSSED. Anything of concern of to the members and DMS is discussed here (many quite passionately, others Meh) and can end up on the General Membership Meeting Agenda for discussion and voting or for BoD agenda inclusion.



No it wasn’t… can you link to the agenda item that was posted on the Wiki? If there wasn’t one, then it wasn’t an official membership meeting.


jesus people
first of all relax,
this post was just to let you know where the files are…

there was a member meeting where I proposed the new logo and it was voted on. I’m sorry you missed it.

as far as debate, go for it.

All i meant to do is post the location of the files.

have fun…

Sure it can be discussed/complained, it just doesn’t mean anything, the people who actually do stuff get to decide, I would like to thank @macapaka for putting in the effort to accomplish something.


There hasn’t been a member meeting where this was discussed and voted on. The only membership meeting to make quorum in the past 1.5 years was December’s membership meeting, and the only thing voted on was “The day after the conclusion of the board of director election all voting members voting privileges will be dropped and they must request to be re-added to become voting members.”

If you can link to meeting minutes where it was voted on and approved, then you’ll officially be in the right.

Also… there was a contest in the past ( where the existing logo was voted on.


However, a logo change is quite expensive. The street sign in front of the building, the door signs, the business cards and all related material.

If PR is paying for this out of their own budget, then well and good. But if these costs are coming from the general fund, then the membership most certainly should be consulted–which as Brooks has stated they haven’t.

I was at the meeting in November where @macapaka introduced the new logo. No vote occurred, beyond “do you like it”, and that wasn’t binding nor even officially conducted.


It’s funny, @LisaSelk, I was looking at Magento’s site for a couple of hours yesterday, and didn’t even register how close their logo was to this new one.

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I agree this does not seem like a well planned rollout, is PR committed to phasing out all instances of the existing logo or will this end at some files being put in a shared folder?


[quote=“Brandon_Green, post:30, topic:6999”]…
is PR committed to phasing out all instances of the existing logo or will this end at some files being put in a shared folder?

Multiple logos are problematic, largely because they defeat the purpose of having a logo in the first place.

My main issue is that logo changes are expensive, and I think our money has better places to be spent.


We are about to roll out new on-boarding documents. Training material for tours and other flyers for PR. We are about to invest that money into things that are greatly needed. This is the perfect opportunity to implement the new logo. As for the signs out front and such, that is roughly $10 worth of vinyl. I will pay for that out of my own pocket is someone cuts it. Changes to website and such just need to be coordinated with the people who actually have access to the website. If your talking about our advertising budget consider it double our current budget of $0. I don’t see where you think the money is going to be wasted. This is all happening because of Doacracy. It had been discussed multiple times in the PR meetings and shown at the member meeting with no objections.

Just act as if this is Brandon re-arranging our logo instead of the warehouse and everyone will be ok with it.


I am not simply referring to the vinyl sign on our door but the larger sign next to the road. Ive never had to change one of those for less then a $1000. And in those cases the changes have always had to be coordinated with the property owner.

Now if the cost is truly as low as you indicate, then I withdraw my concerns.

@PearceDunlap did that when we moved in. It is just red vinyl on white acrylic. We can even reuse the white acrylic.


I agree, I’d like to see a different font and text arrangement. While I’m sad to see the old logo phased out, a new logo can be good. Google and Verizon recently changed their logo to a more simplified san-serif that is more viewable on mobile devices and lower resolutions.

I’m all for do-ocracy, Michael put up the effort to rebrand the Makerspace.

Thanks for sharing the source files. I will try out the vinyl cutter maybe make some stickers.

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I remember that meeting. “No objections” is a little misleading in my opinion, in this example. Firstly, as it was announced that we could not have a quorum the turnover was significant. Secondly, nothing about that meeting was considered “official”, since there could be no quorum. Thirdly, “no objections” is different than “voted to adopt”. If the call for objections was to be equated with “vote to adopt” that should have been made clear, and done with a quorum. There was nothing in my takeaway that led me to believe the logo change was “a done deal”. This is why I was surprised to see it being treated as if it were.

At the end of the day, though, I have nothing vested. I have aired my objections (largely academic, semantic, and procedural). I think it’s bad mojo, but at the end of the day… meh
I’m more worried about other things than the logo. You can make it a polar bear in a snowstorm for all I care. I just would like procedure followed to do so.
Poop in one hand, wish in the other…


1/4" opaque white vinyl. It was like $50 total.

I don’t think we can use the old acrylic, being out side gives it different wear patterns and would have a shadow of the old logo and text. For some reason I still have the original sign acrylic too.

As a side note to everyone saying it has to be voted on - does anyone remember a vote for the color changing from purple to red? No. It happened because Paul liked it better when he remade the website. PR could have just rolled all this out and not told anyone, it would have taken months for people to notice.


Sure, but who’s gonna change it out on the website?

Quite frankly, I’m not a fan of the new logo. It’s a wrench inside a bolt. Also, as Lisa pointed out, it’s VERY similar to another logo already in existence.

There’s a difference in the do-ocracy of fixing a broken system and replacing it for no reason. Every rearrangement Brandon has done has been an improvement and had a valid reason. This logo change is pointless.


I don’t mind changing it (and never claimed to).

I do, however, fundamentally object to the notion that this was voted upon and accepted by the membership. If this were a simple do-ocracy activity, the BoD and membership would certainly not mind my new project to rebrand DMS, rolling out 1 Apr 2016: Northern Dallas Suburban FabLab of Carrolton Good Ol’ Boys Club. Simple acronym (NDSFLCGOBC, say it a few times!). Let me know what you think of the logo:

There is value in a brand. I’ve been through two corporate rebrandings now and the most critical aspect is buy-in. I don’t think DMS branding is nearly as mission critical as a professional services firm, but this appears to at least have some resistance. Then again, the do-ocracy steamroller is the best maintained tool at DMS.

This thread started out as a pretty gentle discussion about the logo, neither hypercritical nor insulting. It’s has since devolved. Put down yer pitchforks and get back to some constructive discussion?


I’d like to point out that logos can and do look similar in many situations.

If you had found another makerspace (or similar group) that had a logo that looked like the new one the argument could be made that it was taken already.

I noticed a while back that the acronym DMS was also used by the “Dirty Money Society” and the “Dallas Margarita …(something I didn’t look up and didn’t remember)” should we stop using our acronym out of fear that we’d infringe on some stupid Instagram group?

I’m not against the logo change, but it would be nice for it to be at a member meeting where we had quorum and could make it official. (Any reason to get quorum is a good one I guess)


@jast nothing was voted on. It was more of an update. Here is what PR is planning. No one objected in that meeting as far as I recall. Just like woodshop is buying lathes, Foundry is buying a slab roller, Machine shop bought a drill press, or or whatever automotive buys. None of those things had votes as far as I know.

We empower chairs to do as they see fit in the best interest of the space. This has more planned to it than just a logo change. You will see help documents to help new members get acclimated with the space. You will se a tour guide handbook to help people giving tours and other things that are all associated with the “brand” of DMS. Will it be as detailed as this? NO, but its a start.

If @macapaka wants to volunteer his time to create a new logo and actual congruency with style for DMS, why would you stop him? He has experience with this before. @bscharff If you don’t think this is a priority, your probably right, but you don’t get to tell volunteers how to spend their time. If you think you do, then I got big plans for you.

@MathewBusby join PR and present DickButt, but its already sot of established as the DMS Mascott (see my avatar)…or is it a sloth or is it a Jackalope? You decide.

If anyone is this passionate about this, join PR, but its about more than just a logo.