New candle making hobby

Good morning. I thought I’d make some candles. Is there a favorite resource in Plano or North Dallas for supplies?

Can anyone recommend their preferred double boiler or wax heating/dispensing device?


@coloneldan … care to chime in on this?


If you’re just getting started in the hobby Hobby Lobby has some things to look over. They are on sale, I think, right now, too. If that isn’t sufficient then I’ve ordered a lot of stuff from here: They carry lots of choices. Essentially, I just use a hotplate, an old boiler pot and the candle wax pouring pot to do my candlemaking. I have a large assortment of molds, candle wax (paraffin, bees wax, soy wax) from various sources. One of the things that is fun to do is recycling of candles. Any pieces you have from previous candles just throw them into the candle pouring pot, heat in a double boiler and repour.


My girlfriend makes a lot of candles. The stores we use in the area are Lone Star Candle Supply (northwest Fort Worth), AAA Candle Supply (Richardson area), and Northwest Candle Supply (east Dallas, headed towards Rockwall).

Out of those, Lone Star is the best IMO and pretty widely known on the internet, but the other two are great too. The only online resource we’ve really used is CandleScience because candle stuff has a huge markup online compared to buying local, and then you gotta pay shipping too.

I’ve no idea if any of these are open during Corona.


@agvet @coloneldan @John_Marlow

Thank you all for your feedback!


Glad to hear there are some local sources. Thank you.

Does anyone do the ribbon candle carvings? Always kinda wanted a class on that


Chiming in the second. When I was a young kid my parents took me to the Smokey Mountains. Along the way we stopped at a “DIY” candle making experience- not essential oils or other fragrance candles but the beautiful dip style/ribbon cutting. It was amazingly fun and I still have mine.

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I would take that!

Not a class, but “How It’s Made” did a segment on this. Holland House, the featured manufacturer, has it embedded on the homepage of their website if you want to see the quick & dirty version of how to do it.