New Adobe suite classes based on projects I will be offering (Gauging Interest)

Hey guys

I’m about to create and offer some introductory classes for several adobe suite software, I’m hoping to design the class towards new users and go through several hands on projects.

So instead of going through all the tools I will focus on several tools to go through specific projects from start to finish.

The software in question will most likely be, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Flash.

I am well aware that there are many other free tools out there, but my classes will open your creative ideas as to how to use similar tools and how to approach a project.

See you soon

Hope you guys are ready to learn.


I’d be interested in photoshop and illustrator

I would definitely find Illustrator and its use for preparing files for conversion to svg and pes files useful.

I would be interested in both Illustrator and Photoshop.

Video editing, photoshop (too much a klutz for illustrator)

Photoshop please. I need real basic work on it for editing jewelry pictures.