New member here. I took the online training and passed it no problem as I already have some experience with 3d printing. Unfortunately, I came up here about 2am to print something and assumed everything was automated and I would have access, but I guess I should have researched the process further before wasting a trip from W. Fort Worth. I’m pretty sure this won’t get resolved until a more reasonable hour, so I’ll have to try another day. Sometimes I hate being on a night shift schedule.
When I try to print with Octoprint, I can’t upload gcode or do anything besides view the various settings of the printer as I have no login for Octoprint.
ohh i see what happened. yeah during the day typically the comptuer is left logged in to someone’s name or another and late at night it’s routinely left logged out for best practices.
hey fellow late night weirdo! hope to see you around there.