Need source of small quantity of optical gel

So, I am getting closer to finishing the Muon Sensor Project I have been working on and need one more item. Apparently this sensor will work much better if I put a small quantity of something called optical gel between the silicon photo multiplier and the plastic scintillator material. I only need a few grams and all I have been able to find is sold in MUCH larger quantities.

Anyone know/have a source for a few grams I could purchase?

Walter - is this what you need? Coupling gel for fiber optics, etc.

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That looks like it, thanks!

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Be careful with those muons. You’re no Geordi Laforge. :slight_smile:

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Seriously, that looks like a sweet project! Can’t wait to see your build.

hey buddy, we know what you’re after… check aisle 9 at your local walgreens