Need some assistance

The wife and I need some assistance at our home. We had a guy helping us replace the fence. The fence is now 80-90% complete. However there are two major things I need help with to get it completed and he has ghosted us. I need help putting in 4 posts (we have to remove 3 of the old ones first) and getting the gate built. I will rent and auger to do the post holes and we have all the materials but want to get it completed so we can return any surplus. Looking for 3-5 people willing to lead a hand for a day to get this knocked out quickly. Message me for more info. Thank you.

Have you looked at the no dig fence? Look up SWI fence on YT. It is pretty compelling. When I have to redo my fence that’s what I will likely be doing.

We did not. Honestly it is a long story we just want to get it done at this point.

Did you get it sorted out yet? If not where are you located?

We have not. I am in McKinney. I was hoping we could get 3-4 people to come help. I would grill up some burgers and such and make a day of it. A few bags of quick crete an auger and some good old fashion elbow grease. :slight_smile: