I’m having trouble setting the z axis to 31mm. it’s setting itself to 21.5mm after probing z axis. am i missing something. anyone have time to show me what i’m doing wrong? i’ll pay for your time.
Are you using the bit zero z axis probe block on the TOP of the work? If you use the probe block on the edge of the work (like you are probing all three axes) you will get a similar error.
Make sure you are selecting the correct version of the Bitzero and pushing a config to the controller before starting.
Yes I put bit zero on the top of my work.I’ll keep trying
Hey Jay what is the correct version for the bitzero
Make sure you have selected the right bit zero on the machine setup . The one we use is v2 I think jay can confirm .
Kevin thanks i’ll try thanks
It’s in the class documents, Bitzero V1.
Must be a different version than I got. Can you post a link?
I remember it from the class, but I don’t see it on the slide set I downloaded.
It’s in multiple slides, in particular #3 and #15 which admonishes the reader to not screw this up
This is on the Machine Shop committee drive and the Machine Shop Google Drive.
I definitely have the wrong slide set.
I got mine off the machine shop committee drive. N:\machineshop\Plastics PIG SIG\shakypoo3 Class Slides.pdf
And I’m apparently not smart enough to find the DMS google drive. All I seem to get to is a personal drive provided by DMS.
What we probably need is a class in how to use the google/source/confluence stuff, led by @jphelps, perhaps. I know that most of the chairs could benefit from that. !!!
Hi, Kiven or Jay. I’m here at the shop, and I think I pretty much have the shapeoke figured out, but there is something I’m just not doing right I would appreciate it if one of you could give me 5 min the next time you are at the maker space, let me know any time is good for me thanks.