I’m looking for the Nove/Dec 1992 issue of Today’s Woodworker (issue #24). The publisher doesn’t have back issues. They have a CD with PDFs but it doesn’t include the pull-out plans that were in the paper copies.
Posting here in the hopes that someone who also has my packrat tendencies might have it and let me copy a plan from it.
If no luck here and important enough to you, maybe try local and nearby college libraries? Don’t forget to explore inter-library loan options.
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Any idea what was in the plans? I find lots of scanned magazines and stuff with google-fu.
I’ll check my back issues when I get home ‘tomorrow’
I have Google-fu(ed) the hell out of this and can’t find it. I found an already-sold auction on eBay but that’s it. I found a guy asking for the same issue I’m asking for.
In Sep/Oct of that year, they published plans for a beautiful cherry table in a Scandinavian style. I have that. In Nov/Dec issue they published plans for matching chairs. That is what I need. The full size plans are kind of important because of some curvy bits that cannot be gotten from dimensions alone. They don’t call out radii and so on. I need to trace the full size plans.
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sorry. my earliest issue starts with Jan 1994.
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Might try going to Rockler, Wood World, and/or Woodcraft and asking the oldest, hoarder-est looking guy you see…
I’ll do that. I’ll hit half-price books too. They often have old woodworking magazines.
My packrat tendencies paid off. I found it in my garage.