Need help from Excel Wizard with building graph's for DMS

So I’m working on the evaluation of Parks Pantry and other offering on the market for DMS. I need some help to make graphs of different information in Excel to show the membership our current use and trends over the last 2 years. Is anyone up to help me that has experience making graphs from excel data?

If you would like to help, please send me a PM.

I can help.

@Photomancer might be able to help too

I’m a new user so either A.) I can’t PM yet or B.) I’m blind and missed the option for it.

Either way, 90% of my workday is using Excel and I’m willing to help.
Since I spent most of my waking hours at said job though it’ll have to be through e-mail or phone for coordination.

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Here, I made the chart for you:

52 AM


Ha Ha,

The data I got from Parks was actually very good news. We are getting good use of their service, in the range of $1100+ in sales per week. From my research, this would be considered a successful micro market for them. So we will not be facing any threats of removal due to poor sales. I’m wanting to show our membership what we are buying and also try to get us some price discounts and work to make sure the kiosk we are using is also in the financial interest of the group.

I mention the Kiosk, because currently their is a $0.10 fee per item when using a credit card, at least that is what @Robert_Davidson said at the last BOD Meeting. It seems there are options on the market that only charge the credit card fee per transaction rather than per item, which could quickly add up to saving for the membership even without a price cut. Also their are Kiosk options that can use your finger print rather than having to keep track of another FOB. Even with the ways to cut off a finger at DMS, it is still less likely to be lost than a small piece of plastic in your wallet. :wink:


My only real concern is that you used to get bonus credit when you charged up your market card with $20/$50. That would be nice to come back.


I can help but I won’t be using Excel to make any charts. Not until my employer pries SAS from my cold, dead fingers, anyway.

Thanks everyone for offering to help and the PMs I’ve received. Ingrid and I will try to tackle this project on Wednesday. As neither of us claim full wizardry experience, I may still need to lean on you all in the future.

Thanks again for the support!

To clarify if you use the market card there is no 10 cent charge on the item or the transaction.