Need 20 8x10 color prints

I didn’t see a regular color printer listed. If we don’t have such menial things where the cheapest place to get them by tomorrow? (Not Sams)

I know we have the big machine but haven’t seen it do anything other than black and white

Not sure what you mean by “big machine” but the Samsung does color in 8x10 for a living (when it works, which I think it is now)…
It’s this model (linked from the tools page)

I thought server was off limits to all but the elite key holders?

I meant the one outside interactive

the copier is NEAR the server room. Not IN.
You should trip over it walking into Interactive…

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10 4. Well if someone is up there and can attest it’s good to go I’ll head up tonight and run them

Make sure you pay for the color prints. IIRC it’s .10 each.

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There is also a direct to printer mode that works well, but has limited formats (easiest is convert to pdf for printing).

in the URL type in, a pop up screen will appear. in the upper Right Hand quadrant there are some tabs, select Direct Print, make sure it’s on COLOR, select your file, and print.

@StanSimmons showed me this trick, it works faster and more reliably than the regular driver IMO, I have it as a shortcut on my tool bar.