Neat 3d printable bumper design

I’m thinking this would work well on a mini playfield like the Ben Heck design.


I’m disappointed it’s not a pop bumper, I’m sure a small solenoid and ring mechanism could be added. These look really cool with the LED’s though.

Yeah, I’m debating if it’d be worthwhile to try doing a 75% scale version of a pop bumper sometime in the future.

Use the same under-the-playfield hardware, but have the visible parts scaled down. That would be great for the Ben Heck sized games. I would assume the toughest bit would be the metal plunger, since I doubt a 3d printed part would hold up to the forces at work.

Might also give a hobby servo version a try as well, but I doubt they would have a fast enough action time to be a viable alternative to the traditional solenoid based mechs.