Nasher exhibit-Hass Brothers

My wife and I are members of the Nasher, a few times a year they have pretty cool member receptions. @Bizwacky recently joined so we had fun chatting with Jason and his wife Sarah Friday night. Current exhibit is awesome. I went back this afternoon for the artist talk. Simon and Nikolai Hass grew up in Austin, they talked about childhood inspirations for their work. They started as fabricators building commissioned furniture, their recent work has tens of thousands of glass beads. Much of their work is very whimsical. Their ceramic work is delicate and incredibly time consuming.

For this piece they modeled a shape with discs, ball bearings between the discs, and springs for the surface in Blender. They had a video of two of these things bouncing and wrapping around each other.

This is the finished scupture.

This is a tree that was commissioned for the exhibit.

And some pics from the presentation on how they made it

The glass bead leaves and vines and blown glass strawberries were facinating. There is a interesting story on how they got the Milano glass beads but would take too long to explain in this post.

Also some lamp posts outside the museum inspired by Austin moonlight towers

Check out the exhibit if you are interested.