How cool
“Mommy, I want to audition for Mythbusters Jr.! I need to film an awesome video, can you get me some black powder, ANFO, and some C4 at Wal-Mart?”
As a mom, I support this parenting philosophy.
As long as the experiment has a well-conceived methodology and at least one control group !!
Did anyone see Mythbusters after Adam and the Mustache left?
It was… weird. I couldn’t finish an episode.
Follow the white rabbit… project
Were you able to watch that?
Maybe I need to power through an episode or 2 to see, but I watched, rewatched, and watched again the first 25 minutes of the first episode, and I still couldn’t tell you what it was about, or who was in it, or what they were doing… I just found it unwatchable mostly due to my lack of ability to pay attention to it.
(To be fair, I find MythBusters largely unwatchable any more, too, and don’t much like Adam Savage’s solo stuff, either, though every once in a while I can stand it juuuust long enough to get the gist…)